This article is about how to perform Umrah, the intention for writing this is to provide the reader with quick tips and/or brief description on what are the keys aspects and rituals that need to be performed to complete the umrah.
- 1. Introduction
- 2. What is Umrah?
- 3. How to Perform Umrah?
- 4. What is Ihraam?
- 5. What is / are Meeqat(s)?
- 5.1 Step 1: Assuming Ihraam
- 5.2 Step 2: Ihraam and Niyyah (Intention)
- 5.3 Step 3: Talbiyyah and Raising the Voice
- 5.4 Step 4: Taking Ghusl for Entering Makkah
- 5.5 Step 5: Arrival Tawaaf (Tawaaf al-Qudoom)
- 5.6 Step 6: Iltizaam between the corner and the door
- 5.7 Step 7: Sa’ee between Safa and Marwa
- 5.8 Key Points and Notes
- Summary of Actions for Performing Umrah
- References
1 Introduction
This article is about how to perform Umrah, the intention for writing this is to provide the reader with quick tips and/or brief description on what are the keys aspects and rituals that need to be performed to complete the umrah.
2 What is Umrah?
In Arabic, Umrah means “to visit a populated place”. The Umrah (Arabic: عمرة) is a pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, performed by Muslims that can be undertaken at any time of the year, in contrast to the Hajj.[1]
What this means is that one Umrah (Visit) is to be done per travel to the Holy city of Makkah, not needing to go outside of the city (Masjid Aishah) again to assume Ihraam and perform another Umrah (visit). The prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) did not do it, he (صلى الله عليه وسلم) performed one Umrah per travel to the Holy City of Makkah.
It is also important to point out here that, how do the people staying in Makkah (temporarily) or the residents of Makkah make Umrah? They do not perform Umrah (visit), they only perform Tawaf (Going around the house Kaba 7 times or 7 circuits or 7 rounds) meaning one tawaf is making seven rounds around the Kaba starting at Black Stone Corner of Kaba (Hajr al-Aswad) and finishing at Hajr al-Aswad Corner. Upon completing tawaf (7 rounds) they pray 2 Rakah keeping Maqam Ibrahim in front of him and facing the Kaba. Then Drinking Zamzam. This is part of a Muslims worship as long as he stays in Makkah after completing one Umrah (Visit).
3 How to Perform Umrah?
This article ignores the pre-requisites to performing Umrah, which the person intending to go to Umrah has to fulfill, such as but not limited to:
- Eligibility for going to Umrah:
- To be a Muslim,
- To have reached puberty,
- To be of sound mind,
- To be free (not a slave),
- To have the financial means,
- To possess the physical means,
- To have a Mahram (for Women), etc.[2]
- Applying for visa,
- Getting air tickets,
- Booking hotels,
- Arranging Travel between Makkah & Madina,
- Details & Benefits of going to Madina, etc.
This booklet only covers the steps involved, as mentioned below:
4 What is Ihraam?
Ihraam is the state entered into at the Meeqat in which certain acts and types of clothing are forbidden.
- Clothing in the state of Ihraam
- For Men: It is two clean, unfitted pieces of cloth, preferably white, one is worn as izaar (lungi), a lower garment tied at the waist above the navel hanging down, and the other is used to cover the upper body, wrapped around covering both shoulders.
- Men should NOT wear any undergarments.
- For Women: They are free to wear what they please except clothes that are attractive to or immitating men.
- Women should not wear perfume when going to the mosque or in the company of strange (non-Mahram) men. This rule applies at all times and not only during umrah.[39]
- Footwear in the state of Ihraam
- Men can wear slippers or any footwear that does not cover the ankle. No socks should be worn by men.
- Women should wear socks and shoes.
- See Step 1 for more details on Ihraam.
5 What is / are Meeqat(s)?
The meeqat(s) are places for assuming Ihraam, these are five in number. They are for those who live there and those who pass by them intending Hajj or Umrah. And he whose house is nearer to Makkah then he makes Ihraam from his house, the people of Makkah making ihraam from Makkah (from their houses).
People traveling by airoplane must wear Ihraam from their houses, as they do not have time to wear Ihraam in the plane while they fly over the meeqat or enter the boundary of the meeqat in matter of few seconds, so Ihraam to be worn by such people before hand and only they say the niyyah when announced / displayed on screen, in the plane. See section 5.2.1 for details and meeqat locations.
5.1 Step 1: Assuming Ihraam[3]
- It is Mustahabb (liked) for anyone going for Umrah to take a ghusl (bath) for Ihraam even if a woman is in her periods or in after birth confinement.
- Then the men may wear whatever clothes he wishes that are not made in the shape of the body and these clothes are called by the fuqahaa (religious scholars) “ghair al-Mukheet (unstiched)”. So he wears a ridaa (upper garment) and izaar (lower garment) or whatever, and sandals or any footwear that does not cover the ankle-bone.
- He does not wear a hat or an imaamah (turban) or anything like that which fits onto and covers the head this referring only to men. As for the women she does not remove anything of the clothes that are prescribed for her in the Shari’ah, except that she should not tie on the niqaab (face veil) or the burqa’ or the lithaam (lower face cover, up to the eyes) or handkerchief and she should not wear gloves. And Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: The Muhrim should not wear the shirt, or the ‘Imaamah, or the hooded cloak, or trousers, or a garment touched by wars (dyed with saffron) or Saffron; or leather socks unless he cannot find sandals (then in that case he may wear leather socks), and Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: The woman Muhrim should not affix a face veil and should not wear gloves. And it is permissible for the woman to cover her face with something like a khimaar (headscarf) or the jilbaab which she puts on her head and allows to hang down over her face, even if it touches her face according to the correct opinion, however, she should not tie it on, as Ibn Taymiyyah says.
- He may put on the clothing of Ihraam before the meeqat even in his own house as Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and his companions did. And this makes it easier for those making Umrah by aeroplane for whom it is not possible to put on Ihraam at the meeqat so it is permissible for them to embark on the plane in ihraam, but they do not make the intention of Ihraam until very shortly before the meeqat in order that they do not cross the meeqat without ihraam.
- He may use body oil and perfume himself with any perfume he pleases, which has odour but no colour, however, women use that which has colour but no odour and all this is to be before he makes intention of Ihraam at the meeqat after that this is Haraam.
5.2 Step 2: Ihraam and Niyyah (Intention)[4]
- So when he comes to the meeqat it becomes waajib (Obligatory) for him to assume Ihraam and the mere wish and intention to perform Umrah is not sufficient as that has been with him since leaving his own land rather he must perform by word and action what will cause him to be muhrim. So when he recites ‘talbiyyah’ intending to enter into ihraam then his ihraam is concluded as agreed upon by the scholars.
- So when he wishes to make ihraam for Umrah, he must say:
لَبَّيْكَ اَللَّهُمَّ بِعُمْرَةٍ
Labbaik Allahumma bi-Umrah
Oh Allah here I am performing Umrah
- And he does not say anything more than the talbiyyah, such as, their saying “O Allah, I intend to make Hajj or Umrah so make it easy for me and accept it from me…” as none of this is reported from Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) just like speaking with the intention for wudoo, salaat and fasting, all of this being from the newly invented matters and as is well known, Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: …for every newly invented matter is an innovation, and every innovation is a going astray and every going astray is in Hell Fire.[5]
لَبَّيْكَ اَللَّهُمَّ بِعُمْرَةٍ
Labbaik Allahumma bi-Umrah
Oh Allah here I am performing Umrah
5.2.1 Where are the Meeqats located?[6]
It is important to mention a Hadith, instead of mentioning opinions, please see below:
Narrated Ibn Abbas (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْه) that Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) fixed Dhul Hulaifah as the Meeqat for the people of Madina, Al Juhfah for the people of Sham, Qarn al-Manazil for the people of Najd, and Yalamlam for the people of Yemen; and these Mawaqit are for those living at those very places, and besides them for all those who come through them with the intention of performing Hajj and Umrah; and whoever is living within these Mawaqit should assume Ihraam from where he starts, and the people of Makkah can assume Ihraam (for Hajj only) from Makkah.[7] Dhul Hulaifah
Dhul Hulaifah is also known as Abyar Ali or Abaar Ali (the wells of Ali). It is situated about 10 kilometers (6 miles) outside Madinah. It is for the pilgrims of Madina and those coming from North. Dhat Irq
Dhat Irq is for the pilgrims coming from the direction of Iraq. It is about 67 kilometers (42 miles) from Makkah. Qarn al-Manazil
Qarn al-Manazil now known as As-Sayl. This is for the pilgrims coming from the Najd and the East. It is situated near the city of Taif. Yalamlam
Yalamlam also known as as-Sadiah. This is for the pilgrims coming from Yemen and its direction (South). It is about 48 kilometers (30 miles) from Makkah. al-Juhfah
al-Juhfah is today an abandoned village northwest of Makkah near the town of Rabigh. Pilgrims coming from Syria and its direction adopt their Ihraam from Rabigh.
Those who are traveling via aeroplane, must assume Ihraam from their houses and only make Niyyah at the meeqat boundary. Some airlines announce the meeqat prior to reaching the respective meeqat boundary, some only display a message on the screen about 10-20 minutes before the meeqat.
Figure 1: Meeqat Diagram showing the boundary of Makkah
5.2.2 Some Conditions[8]
- And if he wishes when making talbiya, he may state a condition to Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) fearing that which may prevent him (from completion of Umrah) whether illness or fear saying as Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) taught:
اللَّهُمَّ مَحِلِى حَيثُ حَسَبتَنِي
Allahumma Mahallee Haithu Hasabtanee
O Allah my place is wherever you prevent me.
So, if he does that and is then prevented or becomes ill then he may leave ihraam of Umrah and there is no re-compensatory sacrifice due upon him.
- There is no special prayer for ihraam, however, if it is time for prayer before ihraam, then he should pray and then put on ihraam following the example of Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم), who put on ihraam after praying Zuhr.
- However, he whose meeqat is Dhul Hulaifa then it is mustahabb for him to pray there, not for ihraam, but because of the place and its being blessed. As al-Bukhari has narrated from Umar (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْه), who said: “I heard Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) say in Waadi al-Aqeeq: Someone came to me this night from my Lord and said: Pray in this blessed valley, and say Umrah with Hajj. And Ibn Umar (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْه) narrates from Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم): …that he saw, when alighting for sleep at the end of the night in Dhul Hulaifa in the center of the valley, one saying to him: You are in the blessed stony ground.
اللَّهُمَّ مَحِلِى حَيثُ حَسَبتَنِي
Allahumma Mahallee Haithu Hasabtanee
O Allah my place is wherever you prevent me.
So, if he does that and is then prevented or becomes ill then he may leave ihraam of Umrah and there is no re-compensatory sacrifice due upon him.
5.3 Step 3: Talbiyyah and Raising the Voice[9]
- Then he should stand facing the Qiblah, and say tabliyyah for Umrah as has preceded, and say:
اللَّهُمَّ هذِهِ حَجَّة لَا رِيَاءَ فِيهَا وَلَا سُمْعَة
Allahumma hadhihi hajjah, Laa Riyaa’a feehaa wala sum’ah
O Allah this is a Hajj, there being no ostentation (display or showing off) in it or hypocrisy.
- And he should say the talbiyyah of Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم):
لَبَّيْكَ اللَّهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ لَا شَرِيكَ لَكَ لَبَّيْكَ إِنَّ الْحَمْدَ وَالنِّعْمَةَ لَكَ وَالْمُلْكَ لَا شَرِيكَ لَكَ
Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik, Labbaika Laa Shareeka Laka Labbaik, Innal Hamda Wan Na’mata Laka Wal Mulk, La Shareeka Laka
Here I am O Allah, here I am, there is no partner for you here I am, certainly all praise is due for You, and every bounty is from You, and all dominion is Yours, You have no partner.
- It is better to stick to the talbiyyah of Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم), although there are others reported from some Sahaba, hence they are not included here.
- The one saying the talbiyyah is ordered to raise his voice with it, as Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: Jibrail came to me and ordered me to order my companions and those with me to raise their voices with talbiyyah.[10]
- And women, regarding the talbiyyah are like men as the above Hadith(s) are general, so they should raise their voices as long as there is no fear of fitnah. And Aishah (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهَا) used to raise her voice until the men could hear her. Abu Atiyyah (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْه) Said: “I heard Aishah (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهَا) saying: Certainly, I Know how was the talbiyyah of Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم), then I heard her after that saying: Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik…[11]
- Talbiyyah must be repeated due to the fact that, Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) Said: There is no one who makes talbiyyah except that whatever is on his right and left i.e. the trees and stones also make talbiyyah until the earth resounds from here and there, meaning on his right and left.[12]
- So, when he reaches the haram of Makkah and sees the houses of Makkah he leaves off the talbiyyah to concentrate on the following actions:
اللَّهُمَّ هذِهِ حَجَّة لَا رِيَاءَ فِيهَا وَلَا سُمْعَة
Allahumma hadhihi hajjah, Laa Riyaa’a feehaa wala sum’ah
O Allah this is a Hajj, there being no ostentation (display or showing off) in it or hypocrisy.
لَبَّيْكَ اللَّهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ لَا شَرِيكَ لَكَ لَبَّيْكَ إِنَّ الْحَمْدَ وَالنِّعْمَةَ لَكَ وَالْمُلْكَ لَا شَرِيكَ لَكَ
Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik, Labbaika Laa Shareeka Laka Labbaik, Innal Hamda Wan Na’mata Laka Wal Mulk, La Shareeka Laka
Here I am O Allah, here I am, there is no partner for you here I am, certainly all praise is due for You, and every bounty is from You, and all dominion is Yours, You have no partner.
5.4 Step 4: Taking Ghusl for Entering Makkah
- And whoever can take a ghusl (bath) before entering Makkah then he should do so. And he should enter Makkah in the day following the example of Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم).[13]
- And he should enter from the upper part of Makkah which today has Bab al-Milaah as Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) entered from the upper pass (Kadaa)[14] above the grave yard, and he entered the Masjid from Bab Bani Shaibah as that was the nearest way to the Black Stone (al-Hajr al-Aswad)
- However, one can enter by any path as Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: All of the mountain passes of Makkah are a pathway and place for slaughter and in another hadith, all of Makkah is a pathway. He enters from here and leaves from here.9
- When entering the Masjid, do not forget to enter by the right foot[15] and say:
اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلى مُحَمَّدٍ وَّ سَلِّم اَللَّهُمَّ اَفتَح لِـي اَبوَابَ رَحْمَتِكَ
Allahumma Salli Ala Muhammadin wa sallim, Allahumma Aftah Li Abwaaba Rahmatika[16]
- When he sees the Kaba, there is no dua established from Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) at this point. So, one may make dua with whatever he can, however, if he wishes, he can make the same dua, which Umar (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْه) made:
اَللَّهُمَّ أنتَ السَّلَامُ وَمِنكَ السَّلَامُ فَحَيِ رَبَّنَا بِالسَّلَام
Allahumma Antas Salamu wa minkas Salamu Fahayyina rabbana bis Salaam
اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلى مُحَمَّدٍ وَّ سَلِّم اَللَّهُمَّ اَفتَح لِـي اَبوَابَ رَحْمَتِكَ
Allahumma Salli Ala Muhammadin wa sallim, Allahumma Aftah Li Abwaaba Rahmatika[16]
اَللَّهُمَّ أنتَ السَّلَامُ وَمِنكَ السَّلَامُ فَحَيِ رَبَّنَا بِالسَّلَام
Allahumma Antas Salamu wa minkas Salamu Fahayyina rabbana bis Salaam
Figure 2: Showing the four corners of Kabaa and other parts of Masjid Al Haram[17]
5.5 Step 5: Arrival Tawaaf (Tawaaf al-Qudoom)
- Immaterial from where you entered the Masjid al-Haram, Tawaaf starts from the Black Stone (al-Hajr al-Aswad), so one should face it and make takbeer. And one may say Bismillah before it, so one actually says “Bismillahi Allahu Akbar”, as is reported from Ibn Umar (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْه), though the same is not reported from Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم).
- Then he touches the Black Stone with his hand and kisses it also, and makes sajdah upon it, as Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) did, and Umar (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْه) and Ibn Abbas.[18]
- If he is not able to kiss it, then he touches it with his hand then kisses his hand.
- And even if he cannot touch the Black Stone, he should make a sign towards it with his hand, (which is the case in our times).
- One should not push or crowd around the Black Stone, to get to it, according to the instruction of Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم): O Umar (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْه), you are a stong man, so do not harm the weak, and when you wish to touch it, and if not then face it and say takbeer.[19]
- And there is in touching the Black Stone a great excellence as Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: Allah will raise up the Stone on the Day of Judgement, and will have two eyes with which it will see, and a tongue with which it talks and it will give witness in favour of everyone who touched it in truth.[20] And Rasoolulah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: Touching the Black Stone and the Yemeni corner removes sins.[21] The Black Stone is from Paradise, and it used to be whiter than milk, but the sins of the children of Adam turned it black.[22]
- One Tawaaf is seven circles or seven rounds around the Kaba, starting from and ending at the Black Stone in anti-clockwise direction. It is necessary to say takbeer on every round one makes, and it is required to make seven rounds to complete the tawaaf. The upper garment of Ihraam is worn in tawaaf, over the left shoulder and under the right arm pit (this is called idtibaa, which is allowed only during tawaaf and not before or after it). This style of ihraam shall be worn throughout the tawaaf. The first three rounds of Tawaaf are required to be done, by walking quickly and with boldness (known as ramal, a strong walk in which the shoulders are thrust forward). And in the rest of the four rounds of Tawaaf one must walk normally.
- Once you start walking and doing the tawaaf, Make Dua, Make Zikr, Read Quran, etc. till you reach Yemeni Corner.
- During tawaaf, it is permissible to touch the Yemeni corner, but is not allowed to kiss it. If one is not able to touch it then he should not make any sign towards it at all.
- Between the Yemeni corner and the Black Stone one must recite the following:
رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ
Rabbana aatina fiddunya hasanatan wa fil aakhirati hasanatan wa qina Adhaaban Naar.[23]
Our Fosterer! give us good in this world and good in the hereafter and save us from the punishment of fire.[24]
- One is not allowed to touch the other two corners of the Kaaba, following the example of Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم). It is reported from Yalaa ibn Umayyah (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْه) who said: I made tawaaf with Umar Ibn Al Khattab (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْه), so when I came to the corner after the Door, I started to touch it, so he said: ‘Have you not made tawaaf with Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم)?’ I said: Yes. He said: ‘Then did you see him touch it? I said: No. He said: “Then do likewise for there is for you in Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) a good example.”[25]
رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ
Rabbana aatina fiddunya hasanatan wa fil aakhirati hasanatan wa qina Adhaaban Naar.[23]
Our Fosterer! give us good in this world and good in the hereafter and save us from the punishment of fire.[24]
5.6 Step 6: Iltizaam between the corner and the door
- One may cling to the place between the Black Stone and the Door of the Kaaba, placing his chest, face and forearms upon this place.[26]
- There is no particular dhikr (zikr) for tawaaf, so one may read Quran or say any dhikr one may please, according to the saying of Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم): Tawaaf around the House of Kaaba is prayer, except that Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) has allowed speech in it, so one who speaks then let him not say anything except, good things and in a narration: so let him limit his talk in it.[27]
- And it is forbidden for a naked person or a menstruating woman to make tawaaf of the House (Kaaba), as he (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: A naked person may not make tawaaf of the House.[28] And his saying to Aisha (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهَا) when she came to make Umrah in the final Hajj: Do as anyone making Hajj does, except do not make tawaaf of the House (and do not pray) until you became clean.[29]
- So when the seventh round is over, one should cover back the right shoulder and move to the Place of Ibrahim (Maqaam-e-Ibrahim) and recite:
وَاتَّخِذُواْ مِن مَّقَامِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ مُصَلًّى
Wattakhizu min maqaami ibrahima musalla
…And take from the place where Ibrahim stood, a place for (offering) worship (salat)…[30]
- Then one must place maqam-e-Ibrahim between himself and the Kaaba and pray two rakahs, and recite there in Surah al-Kafiroon and Surah al-Ahad (Qul huwa Allahu ahad).
- While praying, as is the norm during any prayer in any masjid, one should not allow others to walk in front of him nor he/she shall walk between the hands of any other praying person. The ahadith forbidding this are generic and there is no established exception for the Masjid al-Haram, let alone the rest of Makkah. This is based on the saying of Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم), who said: If the one walking between the hands of one praying knew what were upon him then it would be better for him to stand still for forty than that he should walk between the hands.[31] Note also that the unit of time is not mentioned by Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) in the Hadith.
- Then after praying one shall drink Zamzam, and we are allowed to pour some on our head, as Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: Zamzam water is for what it is drunk for[32] and he said: It is blessed and it is a food and a cure for illness[33] and he also said: The best water on the face of the earth is Zamzam water, in it is nourishment and a cure from illness.[34]
- Then he comes back to the black stone, says takbeer and touches it as before.
5.7 Step 7: Sa’ee between Safa and Marwa
- Safa and Marwa are two small hills, now within the Masjid al-Haram, one can find directional signs in the Masjid from all directions. If you entered from the Bab Bani Shaibah, then you already know the location of Safa and Marwa, if not, then just simply follow the signs.
- The sa’ee starts from Safa, so when one reaches the foot of Safa, then one must recite the following verse of the Quran, the same is also written around the dome right above Safa and Marwa, when you look up:
إِنَّ الصَّفَا وَالْمَرْوَةَ مِن شَعَآئِرِ اللّهِ فَمَنْ حَجَّ الْبَيْتَ أَوِ اعْتَمَرَ فَلاَ جُنَاحَ عَلَيْهِ أَن يَطَّوَّفَ بِهِمَا وَمَن تَطَوَّعَ خَيْرًا فَإِنَّ اللّهَ شَاكِرٌ عَلِيمٌ
Innas Safa wal Marwata min sha’aa’irillahi faman hajjal baita awi’ tamara falaa junaha alaihi an yattawwafa bihima wa man tatawa’aa khairan fa innallaha shakirun aleem.
The (hills of) Safa and Marwa are certainly among the symbols of Allah, so whoever is on a pilgrimage (Hajj) to the house (Kaaba) or pays a visit (Umrah) there is no sin on him if he goes around both of them, and whoever does good willingly, then Allah is certainly One Who acknowledges, the Knower.[35]
- And then he says:
نَبْدَاُ بِمَا بَدَا اَلله بِهِ
Nabda’u bima bada’Allahu bihi
We begin with what Allah began with
- Then he faces the Kabaa and makes tauheed of Allah and takbeer, saying:
اَلله اَكبَر اَلله اَكبَر اَلله اَكبَر
لَا اِلَهَ اِلَّا اللهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ ، لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَلَهُ الْحَمْدُ يُحْيِى وَيُمِيْتُ وَ هُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَىْءٍ قَدِيْر
لَا اِلَهَ اِلَّا اللهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ ، أَنجَزَ وَعْدَهُ ، وَ نَصَرَ عَبْدَهُ وَ هَزَمَ الْاَحْزَابَ وَحْدَهُ
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
La ilaha illallahu wahdahu Laa shareeka lahu, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu yuhyee wa yumeetu wa huwa ala kulli shai’in qadeer
La ilaha illallahu wahdahu Laa shareeka lahu, anjaza wa’dahu wa nasara abdahu wa hazamal ahzaaba wahdahu
Saying the above 3 times and making dua after each time.
- Then he descends for sa’ee between Safa and Marwa, as Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: Make Sa’ee as Allah has prescribed sa’ee for you.[36]
- So, he walks till the start of the green lights, and runs till he reaches the end of the green lights. And this place was in the time of Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) a dried river bed covered with small stones, and Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: The river bed is not crossed except with vigour.[37] Then one must walk upto Marwa and ascend it and does upon it as he did upon Safa, facing the Qiblah, saying takbeer and tahleel and making dua and that forms one complete circuit.
Note: For women, there is no running either in Raml during tawaaf or in Sa’ee, as the majority of scholars are of this view, as the same may uncover her skin, which is not permitted.
- Then one must return till he reaches Safa, walking in the places of walking and running in the places of running, and that is the second circuit.
- Then one must return to Marwa and so on, till you complete seven circuits finishing on Marwa.
- It is permissible for one performing Sa’ee to ride on a camel while doing Sa’ee, however, Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) preferred to walk.[38]
- One possible dua during Sa’ee is as follows:
Rabbighfir warham innaka antal a’azzul akram
O Lord, forgive and have mercy, certainly you are most mighty and most noble.
- After finishing the seventh circuit at Marwa one must proceed to shave his head, after which Ihraam can be removed and whatever was haram for him in the state of ihraam, now becomes lawful again.
- Umrah is now complete.
5.8 Key Points and Notes
- One can stay in Makkah after Umrah is complete for as many days, remember that each Fard Prayer in Masjid Al Haram in Makkah carries a reward of 100,000 prayers. Focus on this aspect and avoid doing other unimportant things.
- As long as you are in Makkah, make tawaaf of the house (Going around the Kabaa 7 times, praying two rakah near Maqam Ibrahim and drinking zamzam), as much as possible. Do not over stress yourself, as one can easily fall sick. After each Tawaaf you must pray two rakah near Maqaam-e-Ibraheem.
- Before leaving Makkah, you have to perform Tawaaf Al Wada (Going around the Kabaa 7 times, praying two rakah near Maqam Ibrahim and drinking zamzam), this is the farewell tawaaf. This should be the last ibadaah that you perform in Makkah. No other worship, salah, etc. to be done after this, you must leave Makkah. So perform it as the last thing before leaving Makkah.
- There is only one Umrah per visit, so do not go to Masjid Aishah for changing into ihraam and perform Umrah, this is not as per the Sunnah of the Prophet. For women who are in menstruation during Hajj or Umrah, it is allowed for them to go to Masjid Aishah to become clean and perform the balance rites that were left out by such ladies.
Summary of Actions for Performing Umrah
This section is being compiled, to make it easy to follow, while performing each step of the Umrah, it is assumed that the reader has already read and understood the above sections, and now needs short points to follow performing umrah, so that he does not have to go through the explanations again, he now understands all the steps and is now at the meeqat (or at home if taking a flight to Jeddah Airport), if yes then please follow the steps below:
- Step 1: Take Bath, Wear Ihraam, if it is time for any fard prayer, pray and then wear Ihraam. (Note: If you will travel by airoplane then goto airport and travel.)
- Step 2: Make Niyyah by facing Qibla and saying (لَبَّيْكَ اَللَّهُمَّ بِعُمْرَةٍ) Labbaik Allahumma bi-Umrah this should be only said at the meeqat. (Note: If you will travel by airoplane then when Meeqat arrives, it will be announced, only then make Niyyah for Umrah.)
- Then say: (اللَّهُمَّ مَحِلِى حَيثُ حَسَبتَنِي) Allahumma Mahallee Haithu Hasabtanee
- Step 3: Then Say: (اللَّهُمَّ هذِهِ حَجَّة لَا رِيَاءَ فِيهَا وَلَا سُمْعَة) Allahumma hadhihi hajjah, Laa Riyaa’a feehaa wala sum’ah
- Then Keep Reciting the Talbiya loudly, (لَبَّيْكَ اللَّهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ لَا شَرِيكَ لَكَ لَبَّيْكَ إِنَّ الْحَمْدَ وَالنِّعْمَةَ لَكَ وَالْمُلْكَ لَا شَرِيكَ لَكَ) Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik, Labbaika Laa Shareeka Laka Labbaik, Innal Hamda Wan Na’mata Laka Wal Mulk, La Shareeka Laka
- Talbiya to be recited till you reach the Kaba.
- Step 4: When Entering Masjid al-Haram, say: (بِسْـمِ اللّهِ وَالصَّلَاةُ وَالسَّلامُ عَلَى رَسُولِ اللّهِ اَللَّهُـمَّ افْتَـحْ لِي أَبْوَابَ رَحْمَتـِكَ) Bismillah was Salaatu was Salaamu ala Rasoolillah Allahumma aftahli abwaaba rahmatika
- When you see the Kaba, then Say: (اَللَّهُمَّ أنتَ السَّلَامُ وَمِنكَ السَّلَامُ فَحَيِ رَبَّنَا بِالسَّلَام) Allahumma antas Salaam wa minkas Salaam Fa Hayyina Rabbana Bis Salaam
- Step 5: Put Ihram on Left Shoulder and under the right armpit (right shoulder must be exposed) then, Start Tawaaf from the black stone corner of the Kaba by pointing your hand and kissing the hand and saying: (بِسْـمِ اَللَّهِ اَللَّهُ اَكْبَرْ) Bismillahi Allahu Akbar
- During Tawaaf, Make Dua, Make Zikr, Read Quran, etc. till you reach Yemeni Corner.
- At the Yemeni corner, if you are able to touch it, do so. Kissing it is not allowed. But do not waste time and energy, proceed further.
- Between the Yemeni corner and the Black Stone, recite (رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ) Rabbana aatina fiddunya hasanatan wa fil aakhirati hasanatan wa qina Adhaaban Naar as much as possible.
- When you reach back at the black stone, this completes one round, then start the second round by by pointing your hand and kissing the hand and saying: (بِسْـمِ اَللَّهِ اَللَّهُ اَكْبَرْ) Bismillahi Allahu Akbar and repeating the same procedure as described in step 5, and completing 7 rounds.
- Step 6: After completing the Tawaf, now cover both shoulders with Ihraam, keep walking till you reach Maqaam-e-Ibraheem then say: (وَاتَّخِذُواْ مِن مَّقَامِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ مُصَلًّى) Wattakhizu min maqaami ibrahima musalla pray two rakah, recite Surah al-Fatiha and Surah al-Kafiroon in first rakah and Surah al-Fatiha and Surah al-Ikhlas in second rakah.
- Then go to the nearest zamzam station and drink zamzam. (Note: If you are performing Umrah in Ramadan, then this part is avoided.
- Step 7: Goto Saee Area, Sa’ee starts at Safa, recite: (إِنَّ الصَّفَا وَالْمَرْوَةَ مِن شَعَآئِرِ اللّهِ فَمَنْ حَجَّ الْبَيْتَ أَوِ اعْتَمَرَ فَلاَ جُنَاحَ عَلَيْهِ أَن يَطَّوَّفَ بِهِمَا وَمَن تَطَوَّعَ خَيْرًا فَإِنَّ اللّهَ شَاكِرٌ عَلِيمٌ) Innas Safa wal Marwata min sha’aa’irillahi faman hajjal baita awi’ tamara falaa junaha alaihi an yattawwafa bihima wa man tatawa’aa khairan fa innallaha shakirun aleem.
- Then say: (نَبْدَاُ بِمَا بَدَا اَلله بِهِ) Nabda’u bima bada’Allahu bihi
- Then facing the Kaba, Say 3 times:
اَلله اَكبَر اَلله اَكبَر اَلله اَكبَر
لَا اِلَهَ اِلَّا اللهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ ، لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَلَهُ الْحَمْدُ يُحْيِى وَيُمِيْتُ وَ هُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَىْءٍ قَدِيْر
لَا اِلَهَ اِلَّا اللهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ ، أَنجَزَ وَعْدَهُ ، وَ نَصَرَ عَبْدَهُ وَ هَزَمَ الْاَحْزَابَ وَحْدَهُ
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
La ilaha illallahu wahdahu Laa shareeka lahu, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu yuhyee wa yumeetu wa huwa ala kulli shai’in qadeer
La ilaha illallahu wahdahu Laa shareeka lahu, anjaza wa’dahu wa nasara abdahu wa hazamal ahzaaba wahdahu
- Then start walking towards Marwah till you reach the green lights, then men should run, women should not run, till the end of the green lights. Then start walking till Marwah.
- There is no particular dua or zikr for Sa’ee, so one can make any dua or do any zikr. One possible Zikr is: Rabbighfir warham innaka antal a’azzul akram
- When you reach Marwah, this is one trip, the same words are repeated at Marwah as we said at Safa, mentioned above and then start walking towards Safa, making a total of 7 trips ending at Marwah.
- Step 8: Shave your head. This completes the Umrah.
[1] Source: Wikipedia | Umrah
[2] Page 32, Getting the best out of Al Hajj, Abu Muneer Ismail Davids, Darussalam
[3] Page 15, Guide to Hajj and Umrah, Mohammad Nasiruddin Al Albani, Rightway Publications
[4] Page 16, Guide to Hajj and Umrah, Mohammad Nasiruddin Al Albani, Rightway Publications
[5] Tirmidhi – Sahih
[6] Page 163, Getting the best out of Al Hajj, Abu Muneer Ismail Davids, Darussalam
[7] Sahih Al Bukhari: 1526
[8] Page 20, Guide to Hajj and Umrah, Mohammed Nasiruddin Al Albani, Rightway Publications
[9] Page 21, Guide to Hajj and Umrah, Mohammad Nasiruddin Al Albani, Rightway Publications
[10] Sahih Abu Dawood, Hadith # 1592, also reported by Tirmizi, Nasai, Ibn Majah
[11] Al Bukhari #769 in Al Mukhtasar, Al tayalisi # 1513, Ahmad 6/32
[12] Ibn Khuraimah and Baihaqi with saheeh isnad
[13] Bukhari, Sahih Abu Dawood # 1630
[14] Al Fakihi with hasan isnad
[15] Hadith Hasan as-Sahihah # 2478
[16] Sahih al-Kalima at-Tayiba
[17] Source: Slideshare | Hajj Part-1
[18] Al Irwaa # 1112
[19] Al Shafiee, Ahmed and others, refer to explanation by Al Albani in Al Hajjul Kabeer
[20] Sahih by Tirmizi, Ibn Khuzaimah, Ibn Hibban, Al Hakim and Al Dhahabi
[21] Hasan by Tirmizi and Ibn Khuzaimah
[22] Hasan by Nasai and Tirmizi
[24] Abu Dawood and others, authenticated by many scholars. See Abu Dawood 1653
[25] Abdur Razzaq # 8945, Ahmad and Baihaqi
[26] This is narrated by two isnaads from Rasoolullah SAWS by which the hadith reaches the level of hasan and is increased in strength by the fact that a group of the Sahaabah acted on it. From them Ibn Abbas RA, who said: This is the Multazam between the Corner and the Door. And it is authentically narrated from Urwah Ibn Al Zubair also see Saheehah # 2138.
[27] Tirmizi and others, and the other narration is Tabraani’s. And it is Sahih: see also Irwa #21
[28] Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Hurairah and Tirmizi from Ali and Ibn Abbas, see Al Irwa # 1102
[29] Bukhari and Muslim from Aisha and Bukhari from Jabir, see Al Irwa # 191
[31] Malik, Bukhari, Muslim and the 4 Sunan from Abu Jahaim
[32] Sahih Hadith, Al Irwa #1123 and Saheehah #883
[33] Sahih Hadith by Tayalisi and Saheehah #1056
[34] Narrated by Al Diya in Mukhtarah and others, see Saheehah #1056
[36] Al Irwa #1072
[37] Reported by Nasai and others, see Al Hajj Al Kabeer
[38] Reported by Abu Naim in his Mustakhraj of Sahih Muslim
[39] Page 35, The Ultimate Guide to Umrah, Abu Muneer Ismail Davids, Darussalam