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Did you not know that Allah knows that which is in the sky and the earth, that is certainly in a record, that is certainly easy for Allah? (Al Quran, Surah Al Hajj, Chapter 22: Verse 70)
The above verse shall be understood in context with the following verses:
22-67: For every community We have appointed devotional rites which they are to perform, so let them not dispute with you about the affair, and invite (them) towards your Fosterer, you are certainly on right guidance.
22-68: And if they dispute with you then say, “Allah knows best about that which you all do.
22-69: Allah will judge between you on the day of resurrection concerning that wherein you used to differ.
22-70: Did you not know that Allah knows that which is in the sky and the earth, that is certainly in a record, that is certainly easy for Allah?”
Summarized Commentary:
We should invite people towards Allah (SWT). If they dispute then we should tell them that He will pronounce His judgment on our disputes on the day of judgment. He knows everything which He has kept in a record. We keep things in records like books, cassettes, floppies etc, so it must be easier for our Creator to maintain such records.