Say: O Mohammad (SAWS) 67-23-24


Say: O Mohammad (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam)

He it is Who produced you and made for you (the faculties of) hearing and seeing and the hearts, little is the gratitude you show.

He it is Who has multiplied (and spread) you in the earth and towards Him you will be gathered.

(Al Quran, Surah Al Mulk, Chapter 67: Verses 23-24)

The above verses shall be understood in context with the following verses:

67-13: And (whether) you hide your word or manifest it, He is the Knower of what the bosoms (hearts) possess.
67-14: Will He Who created not know, when He is the Subtilely Informed? (R 1)
67-15: He it is Who has made the earth subdued for you, so move about in its surroundings and eat from His provision and to Him will be the return after death.
67-16: Or are you secure from Him Who is in the sky, that He will (not) make the earth sink with you when it is repeatedly shaken (during an earth quake)?
67-17: Or are you secure from Him Who is in the sky, that He will (not) send on you a sandstorm (or volcanic debris)? Then you will know how My warning was.
67-18: And those before them indeed denied, then how was My rejection (of them)?
67-19: Or did they not see towards the birds above them, spreading and contracting (their wings)? No one holds them except the Beneficent (Allah), He is certainly the Seer of everything.
67-20: Or who is it that will act as an army for you to help you, besides the Beneficent (Allah)? The infidels are in nothing but deception.
67-21: Or who is it who will provide for you if He withholds His provision? No, they persist in revolt and hatred.
67-22: Then, is he who walks headlong on his face better guided or he who walks balanced (on his feet and) on the straight path?
67-23: Say, “He it is Who produced you and made for you (the faculties of) hearing and seeing and the hearts, little is the gratitude you show.”
67-24: Say, “He it is Who has multiplied (and spread) you in the earth and towards Him you will be gathered.”
67-25: And they say, “When will this promise (be fulfilled) if you are truthful?”
67-26: Say, “The knowledge (of it) is only with Allah and I am only a clear warner.”
67-27: So when they see it near, the faces of those who did not believe will be grieved and it will be said, “This is what you used to ask for.”
67-28: Say, “Have you considered, Allah can destroy me and those with me or be merciful to us, but who will protect the infidels from the painful punishment?
67-29: Say, “He is the Beneficent, we believe in Him and put our trust in Him, so you will come to know who it is that is in clear error.”
67-30: Say, “Have you considered, if your water were to go down, then who will bring flowing water?” (R 2)

In the above set of verses Allah (SWT) mentions some of His Attributes and Powers by asking questions and records a conversation by providing answers to those questions, the Quran wants people to reason out the existence of God and accept Him as the final authority in the Universe.

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