Ahadeeth on the Month of Rajab

Narrated Abu Bakr: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Time has come back to its original state which it had when Allah created the Heavens and the Earth; the year is twelve months, four of which are sacred. Three of them are in succession; Dhul-Qa’da, Dhul-Hijja and Al-Muharram, and (the fourth being) Rajab Mudar (named after the tribe of Mudar as they used to respect this month) which stands between Jumad (ath-thani) and Sha’ban.”
This hadith is from Sahih al-Bukhari

Narrated Abu Raja Al-Utaridi: We used to worship stones, and when we found a better stone than the first one, we would throw the first one and take the latter, but if we could not get a stone then we would collect some earth (i.e. soil) and then bring a sheep and milk that sheep over it, and perform the Tawaf around it. When the month of Rajab came, we used (to stop the military actions), calling this month the iron remover, for we used to remove and throw away the iron parts of every spear and arrow in the month of Rajab. Abu Raja’ added: When the Prophet (ﷺ) sent with (Allah’s) Message, I was a boy working as a shepherd of my family camels. When we heard the news about the appearance of the Prophet, we ran to the fire, i.e. to Musailima al-Kadhdhab.
This hadith is from Sahih al-Bukhari

Narrated Abu Hurairah: That the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “There is no Fara’ or ‘Atirah.” The Fara’ is the first of the offspring (of the camel) that would be born to them (meaning the Arabs), so they would slaughter it. The ‘Atirah was an animal that they would slaughter during Rajab to honor the month of Rajab, since it was the first of the sacred months.
This hadith is from Jami` at-Tirmidhi and is graded as Sahih

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Neither Al-Fara’ nor ‘Atira (is permissible):” Al- Fara’ was the first offspring (of camels or sheep) which the pagans used to offer (as a sacrifice) to their idols. And Al-`Atira was (a sheep which was to be slaughtered) during the month of Rajab.
This hadith is from Sahih al-Bukhari

It was narrated that Nubaishah Al-Hudhaili said: “A man said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, we used to sacrifice the ‘Atirah during the Jahiliyyah in Rajab; what do you command us to do?’ He said: ‘Sacrifice to Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, whatever month it is, do good for the sake of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, and feed (the poor).”‘
This hadith is from Sunan an-Nasa’i and is graded as Sahih

‘Uthman b. Hakim al-Ansari said: I asked Sa’id b. Jubair about fasting In Rajab, and we were then passing through the month of Rajab, whereupon he said: I heard Ibn ‘Abbas (Allah be pleased with both of them) as saying: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to observe fast (so continuously) that we (were inclined) to say that he would not break (them) and did not observe them so continuously) that we (were inclined to say) that he would not observe fast.
This hadith is from Sahih Muslim

Narrated ‘Urwa bin Az-Zubair: I asked `Aisha (whether the Prophet (ﷺ) had performed `Umra in Rajab). She replied, “Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) never performed any `Umra in Rajab.”
This hadith is from Sahih al-Bukhari

Abdullah. the freed slave of Asma’ (the daughter of Abu Bakr). the maternal uncle of the son of ‘Ata, reported: Asma’ sent me to ‘Abdullah b. ‘Umar saying: The news has reached me that you prohibit the use of three things: the striped robe. saddle cloth made of red silk. and the fasting in the holy month of Rajab. ‘Abdullah said to me: So far as what you say about fasting in the month of Rajab, how about one who observes continuous fasting? -and so far as what you say about the striped garment, I heard Umar b. Khatab say that he had heard from Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ): He who wears silk garment has no share for him (in the Hereafter), and I am afraid it may not be that striped garment; and so far as the red saddle cloth is concerned that is the saddle cloth of Abdullah and it is red. I went back to Asma’ and informed her. whereupon she said: Here is the cloak of Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ). and she brought out to me that cloak made of Persian cloth with a hem of brocade, and its sleeves bordered with brocade and said: This was Allah’s Messenger’s cloak with ‘A’isha until she died, and when she died. I got possession of it. The Apostle of Allah (ﷺ) used to wear that, and we washed it for the sick and sought cure thereby.
This Hadith is from Sahih Muslim 2069 a

Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas RA Regarding the statement of Allah SWT in the Quran: “They ask you about fighting during the sacred month, say, “Fighting in it is a great (sin)”, that was because the polytheists repelled the Messenger of Allah SAWS, and stopped him from entering the Sacred Mosque in the sacred month, so Allah SWT opened to His Prophet SAWS in the sacred month the next year. So the polytheists attacked the Messenger of Allah SAWS fighting him in the Sacred Month, so Allah SWT said: “but turning away (people) from the way of Allah and infidelity to Him, and (stopping people from) the Sacred Mosque and expelling its people from it are greater (sins) with Allah” than killing in the Sacred Month. Muhammadur Rasoolullah SAWS dispatched a secret mission, which took into custody Amr bin Hadrami, who was coming from Taif in the last night of Jumada and the first night of Rajab, and that the companions of Muhammad SAWS were thinking that it was the night of Jumada, but was the first Rajab which they did not realise, so one of the men killed him, and that the polytheists asked the person who killed to be handed over to them (for qisas), so Allah SWT revealed the following verse “They ask you about fighting during the sacred month, say, “Fighting in it is a great (sin)” and more than that turning away (people) from the way of Allah and infidelity to Him, and (stopping people from) the Sacred Mosque and expelling its people from it and expelling the people from the Sacred Mosque are greater than those who opposed Muhammad SAWS and committing Shirk with Allah (Polytheism) is the greatest sin.
This Hadith is from Tafseer Al Tabari 2/466 and is Graded as Sahih

It is reported from Omar ibn al-Khattab RA would hit the hands of people to put their hands in food in Rajab and said: Do not resemble (Rajab) like Ramadan
This Hadith is from Majmoo Al Fatawa by Ibn Taymiyyah and is Graded as Sahih

Omar ibn al-Khattab RA would beat the hands of men if they lifted them out of food in Rajab until they put them (back) in it. He said: This is a month that the people of the Jaahiliyyah used to honor.
This Hadith is from Musnad Al Farooq by Ibn Katheer and is Graded as Sahih

Narrated Zaid bin Aslam: It was mentioned to Rasoolullah SAWS that people are fasting during the month of Rajab, so he SAWS said: where are they in Shaban!
This Hadith is from Al-Nasiha by Al-Albani and is Graded as Mursal Saheeh

Narrated Osama bin Zaid; I said, O Messenger of Allaah, I did not see you fasting any month more than what you fasted in Sha’baan? Rasoolullah SAWS said: That is the month that people neglect which is between Rajab and Ramadaan. It is a month when deeds are raised to the Fosterer of the Worlds. And I like when my deeds be presented (before Him) while I am fasting.
This Hadith is from Targheeb At-Tarheeb and is Graded as Hasan

Ibn Abbas forbade fasting all of Rajab, lest they make another Eid
This Hadith is from Al Naseeha by Al Albani and is Graded as Sahih

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